New SENSEHUB® Dairy Youngstock
provides 24/7 monitoring

New SENSEHUB® Dairy Youngstock is the industry’s first monitoring technology for dairy calves from birth through the first 12 months of life. SENSEHUB Dairy Youngstock makes it easier for dairy producers to detect and locate calves and heifers that need attention.

Proprietary, science-based algorithms constantly monitor animal behaviors through the special SENSEHUB monitoring ear tag. The technology identifies animals that exhibit behaviors that fall outside their individual norms, indicating they may need attention.

The SENSEHUB monitoring ear tag incorporates a blinking LED light so workers can quickly and easily locate those animals and apply appropriate interventions. Dairy producers can now harness objective data to find calves that may need extra care and then provide early intervention to keep them on a path toward becoming healthy and productive cows.

A calf lays on sawdust.

Research shows that calves diagnosed with bovine respiratory disease (BRD) are more than twice as likely to die or be removed from the herd before their first calving. Furthermore, heifers experiencing calfhood BRD have lower average daily gain and produce less milk during their first lactations.1

Calves have a natural tendency to hide symptoms of disease. SENSEHUB Dairy Youngstock helps to overcome this instinctive behavior by identifying potential signs of illness, often before symptoms are apparent to caregivers.

The new technology also allows dairy producers to use labor more efficiently. The efficiency associated with the technology allows herd managers to adjust the workflow on their operation and more effectively utilize their best employees.

SENSEHUB Dairy Youngstock is compatible with management systems involving nipple-fed calves housed in individual hutches from birth to weaning, and postweaning calves housed in group pens from three to 12 months of age. Monitoring tags are attached as part of neonatal calf processing and begin generating actionable data within 27 hours.

SENSEHUB Dairy Youngstock is easy to implement with support from the Merck Animal Health team. Dairy producers should consult with their veterinarians for guidance on disease diagnosis and protocols for intervention.

For more information about SENSEHUB Dairy Youngstock, visit SenseHub® Dairy.

SenseHub Youngstock

SENSEHUB Dairy Youngstock is part of the SENSEHUB family of brands from Merck Animal Health, providing advanced monitoring technology to put dairy producers in control of every aspect of their operations. SENSEHUB Dairy delivers actionable insights for optimal dairy herd productivity and management.


SENSEHUB Dairy Youngstock, SENSEHUB Dairy and SENSEHUB Feedlot are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease in animals. For the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of disease in animals, you should consult your veterinarian. The accuracy of the data collected and presented through this product is not intended to match that of medical devices or scientific measurement devices.


  1. Buczinski S., Archard D., Timsit E. Effects of calfhood respiratory disease on health and performance of dairy cattle: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J. Dairy Sci. July 2021. 104(7):8214-8277.

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