Slaughter Health Checks: 2010 Findings
Statistical analysis was performed on the pneumonia lesion data with regard to number of vaccine doses administered, regardless of product, and specific products/number of doses.
Statistical analysis was performed on the pneumonia lesion data with regard to number of vaccine doses administered, regardless of product, and specific products/number of doses.
Evaluating pigs at slaughter enables assessment of disease levels in “normal” pigs, unlike necropsy examinations which focus on evaluating lesions in “sick” pigs.
Proper handling, management and planning help ensure safe and effective vaccination with Circumvent® PCV-M.
As a follow up to the previous webinar “PCV3 – An Emerging Disease” this webinar will focus on field based observations and decision making processes in the diagnosis and treatment of PCV3 cases. Our panel of experts will bring their unique perspective on the disease processes and management practices associated with PCV3.
What’s in a name? For PRRSV, there are multiple classification systems used to describe PRRSV strains (i.e. RFLP’s, genotype, and lineage) and we will review the history and evolution of these systems and how we use them today. Our goal is that when discussing PRRSV with your peers we are all talking the same “language”.
Lawsonia Intracellularis (known as ileitis for short) has been infecting pigs for decades. In this webinar, we are going to learn about this important disease and discuss how the clinical presentation and control methods have been evolving as our methods for easing pigs have changed.
Farrowing house scours continues to be a recurring issue on sow farms today. In this webinar, we will hear more about the infectious agents associated with neonatal diarrhea, clinical presentations, and diagnostic considerations for managing the issues in the herd.
Drs. Phil Gauger, Tavis Anderson, & Christine Mainquist-Whigham will give their viewpoints on the influenza virus from a diagnostic, bioinformatic and field perspective. Focusing on the changes in the virus over the years and impact of the disease today to producers, veterinarians and the industry.
Is Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV3) an emerging disease? What role is PCV3 playing in the disease complex on my farm? Are both common questions in the swine industry today. During this webinar, Dr. Bailey Arruda will discuss what we are seeing in the field as well as the potential impact to producers, veterinarians and industry. […]
In this episode of Science Talks webinar series sponsored by Merck Animal Health, three swine veterinarians and diagnosticians will give their perspectives on “PCV2 – Where are we at today?”. Topics will include history, evolution, and ecology of the virus, clinical signs and diagnostics, thoughts regarding vaccination, unstable herds and much more.