Equine Pharmaceuticals

DOLOREX® (butorphanol tartrate injection)

Product Description

DOLOREX® (butorphanol tartrate) is indicated for the relief of pain associated with colic in adult horses and yearlings. Clinical studies in the horse have shown that butorphanol tartrate alleviates abdominal pain associated with torsion, impaction, intussusception, spasmodic and tympanic colic, and postpartum pain. WARNING: FOR USE IN HORSES ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN HORSES INTENDED FOR FOOD. CAUTION: DOLOREX, a potent analgesic, should be used with caution with other sedative or analgesic drugs as these are likely to produce additive effects. There are no well controlled studies using butorphanol in breeding horses, weanlings, and foals. Therefore the drug should not be used in these groups. ADVERSE REACTIONS: In clinical trials in horses, the most commonly observed side effect was slight ataxia which lasted 3 to 10 minutes. Marked ataxia was reported in 1.5% of the 327 horses treated. Mild sedation was reported in 9% of the horses.

Product NamePkg SizeGTIN#/UPC#UIN#
DOLOREX® 1 x 50ml021784722506017070


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IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: FOR USE IN HORSES ONLY. DO NOT USE IN BREEDING HORSES, WEANLINGS, FOALS, AND IN HORSES INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. DOLOREX is a potent analgesic that should be used with caution with other sedative or analgesic drugs as these are likely to produce additive effects.The most commonly observed side effect was slight ataxia lasting from 3 to 10 minutes. 1.5% of horses underwent marked ataxia and 9% had mild sedation with the use of this drug. For complete safety information please read label.