
Merck Animal Health has you covered. Our Nobivac® Vaccine Guarantee extends 3 months beyond the vaccine duration (excluding Nobivac® Rabies).

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Groups of 15 laboratory-bred beagles were vaccinated and boosted with either a placebo or adjuvanted bivalent bacterin comprised of a traditional Borrelia burgdorferi strain and a unique ospA- and ospB-negative B. burgdorferi strain that expressed high levels of OspC and then challenged with B. burgdorferi-infected Ixodes scapularis ticks. The vaccinated dogs produced high titers of […]

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Laboratory-reared beagles were vaccinated with a placebo or a bacterin comprised of Borrelia burgdorferi S-1-10 and ospA-negative/ospB-negative B. burgdorferi 50772 and challenged after 1 year with B. burgdorferi­infectedlxodes scapu/aris ticks. For the placebo recipients, spirochetes were recovered from 9 (60%) skin biopsy specimens collected after 1 month, and the organisms persisted in the skin thereafter. […]

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Printable brochure to educate pet parents about their dog’s risk for Canine Lyme Disease.

What is Lyme disease?

What are the signs of Lyme disease?

How serious is Lyme disease?

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