
The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) has published its most recent consensus statement on leptospirosis in dogs. In this session, you will discover what conclusions the 12-member panel was able to reach and how to apply these conclusions in your everyday practice. Perhaps most importantly, learn what the panel concluded with regards to […]

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Don’t miss our program “Canine Lyme Disease: The Power of Prevention” where you will gain comprehensive knowledge about this endemic and emerging vector-borne infection that poses a threat to dogs in many regions of the United States. This program will cover Lyme Disease transmission, prevalence and the most up to date information on preventative strategies, […]

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The Parasiticide market is crowded with products and options of where to purchase. This session will take a look at the market and at the latest CAPC tools to help you enhance communication, client engagement and compliance as it pertains to parasiticides. By the end of the session, you will learn how to select the […]

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