Veterinary Wellbeing Study 2020

Merck Animal Health announced the results of a second comprehensive study of wellbeing and mental health among U.S. veterinarians.

Conducted in collaboration with the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the Merck Animal Health Veterinarian Wellbeing Study also examined job satisfaction, compensation, burnout, substance use disorder, cyberbullying and suicide among veterinarians while evaluating potential solutions. “Our research shows that attitudes toward mental health in the veterinary field are improving, but we still have work to do as it relates to treatment,” said Judson Vasconcelos, PhD, DVM, director, Veterinary and Consumer Affairs for Merck Animal Health.

Download the 2020 infographic that gives a quick snapshot of the study findings. View the infographic and veterinary wellbeing study conducted in 2017.

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