Amy Lenhart

Telesales, Internal Sales Rep

New England

Equine Strong
I don’t come from a “horse family” but when I was 10, I saved my money, walked up to my parents, and said, “I am buying a pony.” And I’ve owned a horse ever since. A quote from Winston Churchill says it best. “No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.”

I’ve worked for Merck Animal Health since 2001. Our equine team is small but mighty! We combine our strengths from diverse backgrounds to be one big force for the equine industry. No matter how different the riding discipline or job, everyone is in it for the love of one common animal: the horse.

“Being unconditional means absolute, complete, true. No expectations in return.”

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Providing a better life for our equine companions by providing better medicine for our equine practitioners.

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