Moraxella Bovoculi Bacterin Toxoid
Product Description
MORAXELLA BOVOCULI BACTERIN is shown to be effective against pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovoculi. Vaccination is the first critical step in a three-part approach to managing pinkeye in cattle, including fly control and pasture management.

For the vaccination of healthy cattle 14 weeks of age or older against pinkeye (infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis caused by Moraxella bovoculi). This product license is conditional; potency has not been fully demonstrated.
Key Benefits
- Includes 8 different M. bovoculi Isolates in one convenient injection.2
- Replaces the need for an autogenous vaccine.
This is a conditionally licensed product. To purchase, contact your veterinarian or Merck Animal Health representative.
An Effective Approach at Preventing Pinkeye
Moraxella bovis: A bacteria called M. bovis is known to be a major cause of pinkeye. Vaccines such as BOVILIS® PILIGUARD® PINKEYE, AND BOVILIS® 20/20 VISION® 7 WITH SPUR help protect against this pathogen.
Moraxella bovoculi: A recent study found that up to 80% of pinkeye cases were found to include M. bovoculi alone or along with M. bovis.1 MORAXELLA BOVOCULI BACTERIN can help protect against this secondary pathogen.
It Takes Two: Utilizing a combination approach and vaccinating against both M. bovis and M. bovoculi can help your herd gain the maximum protection they need against pinkeye.
- Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
Shake well. Administer a 2 mL dose subcutaneously to cattle 14 weeks of age or older. Repeat vaccination in 21 days. For advice on revaccination frequency, contact your veterinarian.
20 mL x 10 doses (2 mL per dose)
100 mL x 50 doses (2 mL per dose)
Store at 2 to 8°C (35 to 46°F). DO NOT FREEZE. Shake well before and during use. Use entire contents when first opened. Transient swelling may occur at the injection site. In case of anaphylactic reaction, administer epinephrine or atropine. Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter. This product has not been tested in pregnant animals. Do not mix with other products. In case of human exposure, contact a physician.

Pinkeye Product Fact Sheet
Learn more about the complete line of pinkeye protection.

Winter Pinkeye
Pinkeye isn’t just a summer concern. Help producers prevent and treat pinkeye year-round.

New Findings with Bovine Pinkeye
Organisms such as Moraxella bovoculi appear to work as a co-pathogen.
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U.S. only: Merck Animal Health or call 1-800-211-3573
For more information regarding efficacy and safety data, go to
For additional information, please see the product label.
1. Pinkeye in cattle. Mississippi State University Extension Service. POD-02-14.
2. IBK Challenge Study – Moraxella bovoculi Bacterin, Study Report Ref. No. 2015-1 May 20, 2015

Stay in front of profit-robbing diseases with the comprehensive BOVILIS vaccine lineup from Merck Animal Health.

See the simple, three-pronged approach that can help mitigate the damaging effects of pinkeye.