One-and-done implants deliver pounds with less labor, stress

Dr. Brandon Nuttelman

Implanting checks a lot of boxes for cattle producers, enhancing beef cattle performance both sustainably and profitably. Growth-promoting implants have long been a staple in successful operations to maximize resources.

By “doing more with less” – using the same resources while enabling cattle to gain anywhere from 75 to 140 pounds of additional weight over non-implanted cattle1 – producers realize improved margins. And with the right implant, these results can be achieved without reimplanting.

Brown and white cow standing in front of black cows.

Implementing a one-and-done approach with delayed-release implants – REVALOR®-XS for steers or REVALOR-XH for heifers (trenbolone acetate and estradiol extended-release implants) – achieves the performance benefit of a reimplanting program without the extra time and labor involved with reimplantation during the feedlot production phase.

These implants are a great option for their ease of use, cattle performance benefits and labor savings.

Two doses with one implant

REVALOR-XS and -XH were developed using novel, delayed-release technology, so they deliver two doses in a single implant. Each implant consists of four uncoated pellets that go to work immediately, plus six coated pellets that start working 70-80 days later. The coated pellets have a patented coating that allows the second dose to release slowly, working like a reimplant.

No feed intake loss

Reprocessing cattle can result in a feed intake decrease that can take 38 days to return to pre-reprocessing levels.2 With REVALOR-XS and -XH, there is no drop-off because cattle don’t have to be reimplanted, eliminating the need to put cattle through added stress and the reduction in feed intake after.

Time and labor savings

Labor savings are significant. Both REVALOR-XS and -XH eliminate the need to rework cattle for reimplantation, reducing the risk of working in extreme weather and allowing pen riders to stay focused on cattle health.

The bottom line is that a one-and-done implant procedure gives feedlot steers and heifers the dose they need, when they need it, and it carries them through the feedyard.

Your veterinarian, nutritionist, extension specialists and animal health representatives can help create an implanting program that’s right for your operation.

Important Safety Information

REVALOR-XS: Do not use in beef calves less than 2 months of age, dairy calves and veal calves. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in dairy cows or in animals intended for subsequent breeding. Use in these cattle may cause drug residues in milk and/or in calves born to these cows. Implant pellets subcutaneously in ear only. Any other location is a violation of federal law. Do not attempt salvage of implanted site for human or animal food. Not for use in humans. Keep out of reach of children. For complete safety information, refer to the product label.

REVALOR-XH: Not approved for repeated implantation (reimplantation) with this or any other cattle ear implant in growing beef heifers fed in confinement for slaughter. Safety and effectiveness following reimplantation have not been evaluated. Do not use in beef calves less than 2 months of age, dairy calves and veal calves. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in dairy cows or in animals intended for subsequent breeding. Use in these cattle may cause drug residues in milk and/or in calves born to these cows. Implant pellets subcutaneously in ear only. Any other location is a violation of federal law. Do not attempt salvage of implanted site for human or animal food. Not for use in humans. Keep out of reach of children. For complete safety information, refer to the product label.


  1. Kuhl, G.L. (1997) Stocker Cattle Responses to Implants. Proceedings: Impact of Implants on Performance and Carcass Value of Beef Cattle. Oklahoma State University, P-957. Pg 51-62.
  2. Study Number HR-2S: Evaluation of Implants Containing Reduced-Dose Combinations of Trenbolone Acetate and Estradiol on Performance and Carcass Merit of Finishing Steers.

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About the author

Ask the Nutritionist team

Brandon Nuttelman, Ph.D.

Cattle Technical Services Manager,
Merck Animal Health